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Ajax Forms
Ajax form scripts, auto-suggest menus and textboxes including some cool mail forms examples

Free Ajax Scripts
There are 14 Ajax Scripts in this category. Add your listing here
Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery

Fancy Sliding Form with jQuery is simple, yet impressive online form with validation. Its using jQuerry.

(Hits: 39133 | Votes: 159 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2011-04-19 08:22:59)
Nice Forms Nice Forms

Web forms. Everybody knows web forms. Each day we have to fill in some information in a web form, be it a simple login to your webmail application, an online purchase or signing up for a website. They ...

(Hits: 35011 | Votes: 166 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2007-02-04 17:01:15)
HTML5 Ajax Contact Form HTML5 Ajax Contact Form

A php contact form that leverages the power of HTML5 , Ajax, and Google Maps.

Download requires registration.

(Hits: 28587 | Votes: 290 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2011-07-25 04:05:09)
Super AJAX Contact Form Super AJAX Contact Form
This is a ajax contact form made with PHP and jQuery. The script already include rules of validations fields and with errors messages. This script allows you to perform SMTP authentications, so you do not need a personal ...
(Hits: 27184 | Votes: 243 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2010-05-05 00:59:40)
AJAX feedback form AJAX feedback form
This is simple and powerfull AJAX feedback form protected with "Captcha ZDR" tool writen in PHP This script is ready for integration in your pages. The FeedBack form using PHP, HTML, AJAX, JavaScript, CSS You need just p ...
(Hits: 25411 | Votes: 103 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2007-07-18 07:44:55)

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