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Other Ajax Scripts
Collection of miscellaneous ajax scripts. In this category we will put all scripts that doesn't qualify for the other categories.

Free Ajax Scripts
There are 45 Ajax Scripts in this category. Add your listing here
Ajax Guestbook by hnScripts Ajax Guestbook by hnScripts

Ajax Guestbook by hnScripts is a simple guestbook that uses a flat file to store the messages. That means that no SQL database is required. The guestbook uses AJAX tec ...

(Hits: 18307 | Votes: 18 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2007-06-22 00:41:54)
Ajax tooltip Ajax tooltip
A nice tooltip script where the content of the tooltip is retrieved by Ajax from external files.

Files included in the package:

(Hits: 16786 | Votes: 96 | Visited: 2 | Added: 2007-01-14 16:22:50)
Mysql Ajax Table Editor Mysql Ajax Table Editor
Mysql Ajax Table Editor is a php script that will allow you to create web pages to edit mysql tables in a matter of minutes. Similar to phpMyEdit but way better. Some of MATE's features are advanced search, order by colu ...
(Hits: 14228 | Votes: 71 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2010-01-11 00:39:26)
mp3act - Ajax mp3 player mp3act - Ajax mp3 player

This is ajax powered, web-based mp3 player. The Ajax technology grants you web 2.0 experience, no page reloads.The mp3act digital music system is designed to be a cent ...

(Hits: 13911 | Votes: 18 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2007-06-15 03:34:13)
Ajax dynamic list

This script shows you a list of options based on what you type into a text input. Example: Type in "A" and Ajax will get you a list of all contries starting with "A".


(Hits: 13594 | Votes: 54 | Visited: 16 | Added: 2007-01-14 18:25:40)

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