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Ajax Downloads Home arrow Ajax Window Scripts
Ajax Window Scripts
Here you will find ajax powered scripts which will allow you to create dragable, editable windows for your website, and provide your visitors with Web 2.0 experience.

Free Ajax Scripts
There are 10 Ajax Scripts in this category. Add your listing here
GreyBox - smart window GreyBox - smart window

A pop-up window that doesn't suck. 

GreyBox can be used to display websites, images an ...

(Hits: 9853 | Votes: 46 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2010-02-05 01:27:29)
Dragable content
This is a script that makes elements on your page dragable by assigning them to the CSS class "dragableElement". In the demo, you can drag the menu, the images and the small text box.
(Hits: 8084 | Votes: 11 | Visited: 3 | Added: 2007-01-18 00:32:37)
AJAX Loading Panel AJAX Loading Panel

Enhance your site's look and feel during AJAX requests with the fully customizable state-of-the art Web 2.0 AJAX Loading Panel without writing a single line of code!

All you have to do is to follow a few easy ...

(Hits: 5963 | Votes: 20 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2009-10-14 04:07:13)
 Amberjack site tour Amberjack site tour

Amberjack is a lightweight Open Source library, enabling webmasters to create cool site tours.

By g ...

(Hits: 4920 | Votes: 8 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2007-12-12 06:36:12)
AJAX License Agreement Component AJAX License Agreement Component

EULA.XML is an easy to setup, full of features and skinnable AJAX application that can be used to display license agreement wizards on web-pages.

It is easy to customize, comes with a set of 4 confirmation ...

(Hits: 2258 | Votes: 7 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2009-10-05 04:51:20)

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